“Publishers can now just focus on journalism”
Interview with Labrador CEO in WHAT'S NEW IN PUBLISHING
Article first published on https://whatsnewinpublishing.com/ (WNIP), February 23rd, 2023. To read the full article, please go to the WNIP page here.
A number of publishers have spun off in-house tech they’ve developed, with The Washington Post’s Arc XP and Toronto Globe & Mail’s Sophie.io being two notable examples. To this list you can now add Labrador CMS, a system that was nominated as publisher platform of the year in the 2022 Digiday Awards.
Founded in 1873 and 1878 respectively, Aller Media and Egmont are two of Northern Europe’s most successful news and magazine publishers. Faced with ongoing newsroom challenges, the two publishers forged a joint venture in 2007 to develop a customized SaaS publishing platform for their newsrooms.
Specifically, the two publishers needed a low code and intuitive solution that overcame the limitations of traditional in-house solutions and custom-tweaked platforms such as WordPress and Drupal.
The project started in Norway’s national newspaper Dagbladet in 2008 as a corporate venture project and, fast forward fourteen years, Labrador CMS was nominated as publisher platform of the year at the most recent Digiday awards.
Just as with Washington Post’s Arc XP CMS, Labrador CMS has subsequently been spun off into its own company with the support of venture capitalists Skagerak Capital. The software now powers over 200 sites in six countries and is used by over 2,000 journalists globally. Clients include Elle, Dagbladet, ComputerWorld, GB News and TV2.no, the largest commercial broadcaster in Norway.
Labrador is a low-code, fully hosted professional approach to SaaS Content management created by journalists for journalists. Publishers can focus on journalism while we handle the technical side.
Jan Thoresen, CEO, Labrador CMS
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